I broke my bike again. This time (and all the times) it turned out to be completely my fault. I put the washer that sits between the crank arm and the sprocket the wrong way around. Which meant that the locator nut was taking all of the pressure. So of course it broke. Luckily it happened whilst training and not during a show. Thank goodness!
I Rode Over the School Principal
I literally rode over the school’s principal.
Admittedly, he put me up to it. The school loved the show so much they chanted and chanted for an encore. Check it out in the video below :o)
That feeling when you know you have done a good job.
There is that feeling when you know you have done a good job. The show went flawlessly. The kids loved the show. It is just amazing!
Spare bike becomes show bike
Unfortunately I discovered a crack in the frame. Spare bike to the rescue!
New Photos
My friend Daniel asked me if I would like to drop by his studio for a test shoot. He wanted to test a new lighting setup. Dennis got to join in as well!